
"Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" "There Is But One Path That Of Asha (Rasti)"

Welcome to unofficial site of SPb Zoroastrians group, divorced with organization registered in St. Petersburg since April 7, 1994. These pages will give you an idea about how the community emerged and developed , its life and activities Here we would like to present at fullest possible length :

  • the history of Zoroastrian religion, the most ancient monotheistic religion of the world
  • the teaching of Good and Light, teaching of Mazdayasna, Worshiping Wisdom
  • information on ancient and present Zoroastrian communities and groups
  • answers to your questions about Zoroastrians

On our community. The Zoroastrian Community of St. Petersburg is an officially registered local religious organization aimed at research and advancement of the world religion of Zoroastrianism in accordance with international religious and The legal regulations. The community was founded in 1994, its official status being in compliance with the law on religious associations

All the basic information is in the Russian section of the site. For information transfer in Russian section of a site use Google Chrome This browser instantly translates site pages. Also the translator or google translator.


  • The Zarathustric Community of St. Petersburg carries out weekly church services. We invite to take in them part of all wishing. Our meetings pass every Thursday with 19 to 21 h. The address - Trefoleva, 4-2. is more detailed here