
Опубликовано Azarpadyavand -

Please note what we call as FAROHAR,IS REALLY THE KHERP.

The Fravahar can be used to illustrate the basic elements of Zoroastrianism.
The Fravahar can be used to illustrate the basic elements of the Zoroastrian religion. Each part of the Fravahar signifies an idea or a philosophy:
1- The male upper body springing out of the central disk represents the human soul or, as some would say, the wisdom of age.
2- His upper hand extended in a blessing, pointing upwards, is a reminder that the path to heaven lies in higher things or that the path of righteousness is the only path to choose.
3- The other hand holds the covenant ring urging Zoroastrians to remember to hold true to their promises. When a Zoroastrian gives a promise, it is like a ring. It cannot be broken.
(Bisotun Fravahar) Some scholars believe the torso does not represent Ahura Mazda as god has no image in the Zoroastrian faith.
4- The ring in the center symbolizes the eternity of universe or the eternal nature of the soul. As a circle, it has no beginning and no end.
5- Two streamers which extend outward from the central disc illustrate Zoroastrian ethics. They symbolize the two choices humans have between good or evil, or that one should proceed toward good and turn away from bad.
6- The three-layered wings symbolize “good thoughts, good words, and good deeds”, the Threefold Path of Zoroastrianism.
7- The lower part of the Fravahar consists of three parts representing “bad reflection, bad words and bad deeds” which cause misery and misfortune for human beings.
The Fravahar on the façade of a fire temple, Yazd, Iran
The symbol reached its finest and final form in the rock-carvings of Persepolis and it is the Pers epolis Fravahar which has become not only a graphic symbol of the Zoroastrian faith but also a folk motif.
Today the Fravahar decorates Zoroastrian fire temples, has been made into jewelry, woven into wall hangings, carved into marble and semi-precious stones and even glazed onto ceramic heirlooms.

Fravahar has become part of the cultural legacy of every Iranian regardless of their relig ion. The positive meanings this emblem embodies have made it worthy of its prominence as a national symbol.

Courtesy : Jehangir Gilder
